2013年五星金融论坛会议议程(2013 Five Star Forum in Finance Conference Agenda)
发布日期:2013-05-30 来源:中国金融发展研究院Date: June 7, 2013, Friday
Venue: Chinese Academy of Finance and Development, Central University of Finance and Economics, 39 South College Rd, Academic Hall, Room 202
Forum chair: Professor Kalok Chan (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Keynote speaker: Professor Robert Hodrick (Columbia University)
08:00-08:30 Sign in
08:30-08:45 Welcome remarks (CUFE leaders)
08:45-08:50 Photo taking (organizers, presenters & discussants)
08:50-09:00 Opening remarks, Kalok Chan (HKUST), Forum chair
“Macroeconomic risks and asset pricing: evidence from a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model”(download)
Erica Li* (CKGSB), Haitao Li (CKGSB), and Cindy Yu (CKGSB)
Discussant: Yong Li (Renmin University of China)
“Imperfect competition, long lived private information, and the implications for the competition of high frequency trading”(download)
Su Li (Renmin University of China)
Discussant: Yi Xue (University of International Business and Economics)
10:30-10:45 Tea break
“Analyst coverage and two volatility puzzles in the cross section of returns”(download)
Thomas George (Houston), and Chuan-Yang Hwang* (NTU)
Discussant: Qi Shang (Renmin University of China)
“Political uncertainty and public financing cost: evidence from U.S. gubernatorial elections and municipal bond markets”(download)
Pengjie Gao (Notre Dame), and Yaxuan Qi* (City University of HK and Concordia)
Discussant: Si Li (Wilfrid Laurier and Tsinghua)
12:15-13:45 Lunch
Keynote speech: Conditional asset pricing
Robert Hodrick (Columbia University)
Afternoon Sessions
Session A: Room 702
Chair: Chuan-Yang Hwang (Nanyang Technological University)
“The variation of momentum profitability across accrual groups” (download)
Ming Gu* (Renmin University of China), and Yangru Wu (Rutgers and CUFE)
Discussant: Jinliang Li (Tsinghua University)
“Can investment shocks explain the cross-section of stock returns?”(download)
Lorenzo Garlappi (UBC), and Zhongzhi Song* (CKGSB)
Discussant: Ping He (Tsinghua University)
15:30-15:45 Tea break
Session B: Room 702
Chair: Ke Tang (Renmin University of China)
“An empirical comparison of non-traded and traded factors in asset pricing”(download)
Lei Jiang* (Tsinghua University), and Zhaoguo Zhan (Tsinghua University)
Discussant: Ke Tang (Renmin University of China)
“Forecasting government bond risk premia using technical indicators”(download)
Jeremy Goh (SMU), Fuwei Jiang*(SMU), Jun Tu (SMU), and Guofu Zhou (Washington)
Discussant: Xiaoneng Zhu (CUFE)
Session C: Room 706
Chair: Jimmy Ran (CUFE)
“Legal shareholder protection and corporate R&D investment”(download)
Gang Xiao (Renmin University of China)
Discussant: Yaxuan Qi (City University of HK and Concordia)
“Innovation efficiency, global diversification, and firm Value”(download)
Julia Chou (Florida International University), and Wenlian Gao* (CUFE)
Discussant: Huili Chang (University of Hong Kong)
15:30-15:45 Tea break
Session D: Room 706
Chair: Yangru Wu (CUFE)
“Testing the pecking order theory with financial constraints”(download)
Huili Chang* (HKU), and Frank Song (HKU and PKU)
Discussant: Shenghui Tong (CUFE)
“Does improved disclosure lead to higher executive compensation - evidence from two opposing accounting and auditing standards rule changes”(download)
Jun Lu* (CUFE) and Zhen Shi (Georgia State)
Discussant: Jinghong Shu (University of International Business and Economics)
17:30 Dinner party (by invitation)
Note: “*” denotes the presenter.