



CALL FOR PAPER International Conference “Population Aging: New Challenges for Public Policy”

发布日期:2015-07-10    来源:中国财政发展协同创新中心

9 –10 November 2015

Beijing (China)

The Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing, China), the School of National Fiscal Development (China), the Institute of Health Finance and Economics (China) and Sciences Po (Paris, France) will organise a conference on “Population Aging: New Challenges for Public Policy”.

The main objective of the conference is to contribute to a better understanding of the social, economic, political, organisational andfinancial implications of ageingboth at individual and collective levels.

All submissions, from both academics and practitioners,are welcome but particularly those focussing on the following issues:

(1) Administration and Public Policy: Welfare state, Elderly care (including facilities, community care and in-home services for the older people), Spatial planning and housing policy, Industry policy to encourage research and innovation to face aging, Organization and delivery of long-term care, Centralized vs decentralized management, International comparisons, etc;

(2) Population Aging and Financial and Social Sustainability Challenges: Social security financing, Private vs public insurance, Demographic transition, Long term saving, Intergenerational transfers and solidarity in the family, International comparisons, etc;

(3) Longevity and Medical Perspectives: Longevity and morbidity projections, Public health and health policy, Gerontology research and geriatric practice,Numerical health, International comparisons, etc;

(4) Integrative Approach to Aging: Cross-disciplinary/Multi-disciplinary research challenges.

(5) Health Reform and Aging: Medical and health system, public hospital reform, the significance of state and market and relationship between them, primary medical care, reform of fiscal payment, etc.


Participants are asked to submit tobjconference2015@163.coma proposal (long abstract) or a full paperby 2015.Jul.31 for enough time to translation. Chinese proposal (long abstract) should be submitted no late than 2015. Aug.31 Final decision will be communicated on 2015.Sept.15. The deadline to confirm participation is 2015.Oct.5.


Conference covers round trip economy class air ticket, accommodation expense and meal expense of VIP and Keynote speakers for three days.

Participants whose paper is received are free of charges of registration fee. But the conference won’t cover their transport expense, accommodation expense and meal expense.

Participants who don’t have any paper need to pay registration charges 1000RMB. And the conference won’t cover their transport expense, accommodation expense and meal expense.

All participants are registered and are provided with conference materials for free.

Official languages

The three languages of the conference are Chinese, English and French. Simultaneous interpretations in Chinese&French and in Chinese&English will be provided. Slide presentations should be in English.

Scientific publication

Best papers could be proposed to scientific journals for publication.

Conference Committee

Chinese team

DING Han-Sheng (Shanghai Health Development Research Centre), FAN Li-Ming (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics), LEI Zheng-Long (Bureau of Disease Prevention and Control, National Health and Family Planning Commission of the PRC),LI Jun-Sheng (School of National Finance Development,CUFE), LIU Rong (SouthwesternUniversity of Finance and Economics),MA Li (Department of Personnel in National Health and Family Planning Commission, State Department),MA Hai-Tao(School of National Finance Development,CUFE),WANG Cheng (The Journal of Economic Research), WANG Jun (School of National Finance Development & Institute of Health and Finance Economics, CUFE), WANG Wei-Xing(Policy Research Center, The Ministry of Finance), XU Mei-Lin (Department of Family in National Health and Family Planning Commissionof the PRC), YAN Qing-Chun (National Working Commission on Aging), YANG Can-Ming (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law), ZHANG Yong-Shan (The Journal of Economic Research), ZHAO Ming-Gang (Bureau of Medical Administration, National Health and Family PlanningCommissionof the PRC), ZHEN Bing-Liang (Personnel Department, Ministry of Civil Affairs), ZHENG Hong-Liang (The Journal of Economic Research).

French team

Pierre-Louis BRAS (French Committee for Retirement Orientation – COR &Sciences Po – Chair in Public Health &U. Paris Descartes), Jean-Philippe DAVID (Henri MondorUniversity Hospital), Gilles DUHAMEL (Sciences Po – Chair in Public Health), Isabelle GOURIO (Sciences Po – Chair in Public Health), David GRUSON (University Hospital of La Réunion, Sciences Po – Chair in Public Health), Mylène HARDY (Sciences Po – DAIE), Florence LEGROS (U. Paris-Dauphine), Antoine MALONE (Social and health affairs - Quebec Delegation in Paris, Sciences Po – Chair in Public Health), Frédéric SANDRON (IRD, U. Paris Descartes & U. Sorbonne Paris Cité), Mark STABILE (Sciences Po – Department of Economics), Didier TABUTEAU (Sciences Po – Chair in Public Health), Vincent TOUZ? (Sciences Po – OFCE & U. Sorbonne Paris Cité), Pierre-Paul VIDAL (CNRS, U. Paris Descartes & U. Sorbonne Paris Cité).

Conference Program

Day 1 – Invited sessions (keynote speakers)


9:00 – 9:30

Welcome address

9:30 – 12:30

Introductive Session1: Global Issues on Aging

12:30 – 14:00


Aging in China & France: a Comparative Approach

14:00 – 15:30

Session 2:Population Aging and Financial and Social Sustainability

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30

Session 3:Administration and Public Policy Dealing with Aging


Conference dinner

Day 2 – Selected sessions

9:00 – 10:30

Session 4

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30

Session 5

12:30 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:30

Session 6

15:30 – 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:30

Session 7


Central University of Finance and Economics, 39 South College Road, Haidian District,Beijing100081, P.R. China

More informations on CUFE and on Sciences Po





