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【6月22日】【信息学院学术报告】New Frontier of Information Management – Focusing on What Matters Most CustomerUser Experience


讲座时间: 2018年6月22日(周五)下午15 :00

讲座地点: 沙河校区 7号楼216

主讲人: Ping Zhang

讲座语言: 中英文


With new information technologies being constantly developed and deployed, more companies realized that their success depends on their customer base, and the customers’ experience with their products or services will make or break their existence and competitive edge. This realization pushes customer experience (CX) and/or user experience (UX) to become the new frontier of the information management field. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the customer/user experience (CX/UX) research and practice, job opportunities and skill requirements.


Dr. Ping Zhang is Professor in the School of Information Studies at SyracuseUniversity. Her research interests include human-centeredness in information and communication technology development, evaluation and use. Dr. Zhang co-founded and chaired one of the first six Special Interest Groups within Association for Information Systems (AIS) on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). She is author of the first article published in AIS’ research flagship journal JAIS. She is co-author of the first HCI textbook for non-Computer Science students and co-editor of two books on HCI and MIS. She is co-founding Editor-in-Chief of the first AIS Transactions journal, AIS THCI. In 2013, she was appointed the first AIS Historian to lead an effort to preserve the Information Systems field. Dr. Zhang is the recipient of Emerald Citation of Excellence award in 2016, and has received additional four Best Paper awards, three nominations for best paper awards, an excellence in teaching award, and two service awards in her career so far. Dr. Zhang received her PhD in Information Systems from the University of Texas at Austin, and M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science from PekingUniversity, Beijing, China. (http://melody.syr.edu/pzhang)


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