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【11月22日】Getting to the Bottom:How Attribution Tunes the Positive and Negative Outcomes of Underemployment


讲座题目:Getting to the Bottom:How Attribution Tunes the Positive and Negative Outcomes of Underemployment

时 间: 2017年11月22日(周三)13:00-14:30

地 点: 球探篮球比分,竞彩足球比分学院南路校区主教楼六楼商学院会议室

主讲人:林碧莲 香港中文大学(深圳)助理教授

讲座摘要:In current study, I propose that positive and negative reactions to overqualification are driven by employees’ attribution processes. Drawing on attribution theory, I hypothesize that when employees attribute their overqualification to internal sources (i.e., forces that are within their control), they respond in a positive manner by seeking more demanding tasks and responsibilities that match their capabilities and qualifications, which in turn enhances employees’ levels of creative performance and thriving at work. In contrast, when employees make external attributions regarding their overqualification, they may come to feel that they have been given a raw deal and experience feelings of relative deprivation. In turn, these feelings may cause employees to lash out toward their organizations by engaging in destructive behavior, or experience feelings of depression over their helpless situation. Results from a multi-wave multi-source field study as well as a study utilizing cognitive neuroscience technology – functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) – support the hypotheses outlined above. By incorporating attribution theory to overqualification research, this study contributes to unpacking overqualification as a double-edged sword consisting of both dark and bright sides. In essence, this study indicates that the attributions employees make regarding why they are overqualified (i.e., because of themselves vs. because of forces outside of their control) drives their reactions to overqualification, and subsequent perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors at work.


林碧莲,现任职香港中文大学(深圳)助理教授、国际商务管理主任,香港中文大学哲学博士(管理学)、中山大学硕士(应用心理学)及理学学士(药学),研究领域包括创造力、领导行为、人力资源管理等领。林碧莲在今年2017年8月美国亚特兰大举行的国际管理学会年度大会(Academy of Management annual meeting)中,其系列研究发表在Journal of Organizational Behavior, 获得Best Paper Award of 2016。此外,由她主导研究、并发表在国际顶级管理期刊(Academy of Management Journal)的球探篮球比分,竞彩足球比分高资质员工的创造力的论文课题(“Why is underemployment related to creativity and OCB? A Task-Crafting Explanation of the Curvilinear Moderated Relations”)在业内引起广泛关注。此课题的研究成果已多次被国内外公众媒体引用转载,其中包括《管理学会期刊》 (Academy of Management Journal)公众媒体、美国《石英》(QUARTZ)杂志网站、英国《金融时报》 (Financial Times)、金融时报中文网、以及伦敦政治经济学院商业评论(LSE Business Review)等多家主流媒体。



