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时间:2017年6月7日(星期三)晚 7:00


Date : Wednesday June 7, 2017 7:00 pm.

Venue : CEMA 712





The word Lied for "song" first came into general use in German during the early fifteenth century, largely displacing the earlier word Gesang.

In Germany, the great age of song came in the nineteenth century. German and Austrian composers had written music for voice with keyboard before this time, but it was with the flowering of German literature in the Classical and Romantic eras that composers found inspiration in poetry that sparked the genre known as the Lied. The beginnings of this tradition are seen in the songs of Mozart and Beethoven, but it was with Schubert that a new balance was found between words and music, a new absorption into the music of the sense of the words. Schubert wrote over 600 songs, some of them in sequences or song cycles that relate an adventure of the soul rather than the body.

Singing for friends or with, is probably the origin of music. The recitation of a text in a special way had been developed to a melody and underlined the meaning and intention of the words.That combination had been completed by an instrument which could accompany and enforce this statement. So enjoy a concert with a lot of stories, feelings told in a unique, touching way! Das Kunstlied!

在十五世纪初,Lied(利德 , 复数:Lieder)作为“歌”这个词开始在德语中普遍使用并在很大程度上取代了之前用的一个字Gesang。

十九世纪是德国音乐的伟大时代。在此之前, 德国和奥地利作曲家就已经用琴为歌唱制作配乐。随着古典和浪漫时代德国文学的繁盛,诗歌赋予作曲家们新的灵感,引发了利德流派, 一种浪漫时期的德国歌曲流派,通常是钢琴伴奏的独唱。这个流派传统初见于莫扎特和贝多芬的音乐中,而后舒伯特通过对音乐感觉的新的吸收, 在文字和音乐之间发扬了新的平衡。舒伯特一生写了超过600首歌曲,其中一些是深层灵魂探索序列。

音乐, 许起源于为友或与友纵歌。特殊的唱诵形成悦耳旋律,伴以乐器的悠扬, 更好地强调了词语的含义和意图。享受一个有故事的音乐会吧,用你独特的感触去感觉, 去体会!音乐无形! 艺术无价!

Program / 节目单

Torbjorn Stalberg 男高音

Zhangjingjing 钢琴伴奏

1. Music For a While / 沉浸在音乐中

Henry Purcell (1658/9 - 1695)

Lyric by John Dryden (1631 - 1700); by Nathaniel Lee (1653 - 1692)

2. Morgen / 明天

Richard Georg Strauss (1864 - 1949)

Lyric by John Henry Mackay (1864 - 1933)

3. Wie Melodien Zieht es mir / 旋律才是我的思绪

Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897)

Lyric by Klaus Groth (1819 - 1899)

4. An Sylvia / 谁是希尔维亚?

Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)

Lyric by Eduard von Bauernfeld (1802 - 1890) based on a text in English by William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), no title, from Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act IV, Scene 2

5. Die Forelle / 鳟鱼

Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)

Lyric by Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739 - 1791), title 1: "Die Forelle"

6. Ein Jüngling liebt ein M?dchen / 少年的爱恋

Robert Alexander Schumann (1810 - 1856)

Lyric by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856), no title, from Buch der Lieder, in Lyrisches Intermezzo, no. 39

7. Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen / 在那灿烂的夏日清晨

Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856)

Lyric by Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856), no title, from Buch der Lieder, in Lyrisches Intermezzo, no. 45

8. Und willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen / 如果你想看我死去

Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)

Lyric from Italian folk song translated to German by Paul Heyse (1830 - 1914), no title, from Italienisches Liederbuch, published 1860

9. Nachtzauber / 神奇的夜晚

Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)

Lyric by Josef Karl Benedikt von Eichendorff (1788 - 1857)

10. Wir haben beide lange Zeit geschwiegen / 我们已沉默很久

Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)

Lyric from Italian folksong translated to German by Paul Heyse (1830 - 1914), no title, from Italienisches Liederbuch, published 1860

11. Sogno / 梦

Francesco Paolo Tosti (1846 - 1916),

Lyric by Olindo Guerrini (1845 - 1916)

12. An den Schlaf / 致睡梦

Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)

Lyric by Eduard M?rike (1804 - 1875), title 1: "An den Schlaf" based on a text in Latin by Heinrich Meibom (1638 - 1700) , title 1: "Somne levis"

13. Mir ward gesagt / 有人告诉我你要离去

Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)

Lyric by Paul Heyse (1830 - 1914), Genova, from Italienisches Liederbuch, no. 2, published 1860

14. Das Wirtshaus / 客栈

Schubert (1797 - 1828)

Lyric by Wilhelm Müller (1794 - 1827), title 1: "Das Wirthshaus", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 2, in Die Winterreise, no. 17

15. Frühlingstraum / 梦见春天

Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)

Lyric by Wilhelm Müller (1794 - 1827), title 1: "Frühlingstraum", from Gedichte aus den hinterlassenen Papieren eines reisenden Waldhornisten 2, in Die Winterreise, no. 21

16. Es regnet / 雨

Kurt Weill (1900 – 1950)

Lyric by Jean Cocteau (1889 - 1963)

17. Wie lange noch? / 还要多久?

Kurt Weill (1900 - 1950)

Lyric by Walter Mehring (1896 - 1981)

18. Die Nacht / 夜晚

Richard Strauss (1864 - 1949)

Lyric by Hermann von Gilm zu Rosenegg (1812 - 1864), title 1: "Die Nacht", from Letzte Bl?tter

19. Du bist die Ruh / 你是我的安宁

Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

Lyric by Friedrich Rückert (1788–1866)

Torbjorn Stalberg

Torbjorn, a Sweden born tenor singer, received his voice education in Italy during 1986 to 1997 from Prof. Rita Papa, Prof. Marika Rizzo, Prof. Raffaele Passaro and a few other famous professionals. He has then actively engaged in various voice programs and performances for the last thirty years. His recent professional engagements include but not limited to the following:

- 2016 Solo recital of “Die Winterreise”, Franz Schubert at the Beijing Concert Hall

- 2015 Tenor solo in the Beijing and Tianjin performance of Handel’s “Messiah”

- 2014 Solo recital of Lieder at the Beijing University. Program includes: Shumann’s “Frauenliebe und Leben”.

- 2013 Tenor solo in Handel’s “Messiah”

- 2013 Solo recital of Lieder at the Beijing University. Program includes: Britten’s “Les Illuminations”

Torbjorn has four personal records so far. He currently lives in Beijing, China and serves as music specialist and coordinator of instrumental studies at Harrow International School. He is fluent in Swedish, English, Italian, German and Mandarin.

瑞典出生的男高音歌唱家,Torbjorn, 于1986年至1997年间,在意大利师从Rita Papa教授,Marika Rizzo教授,Raffaele Passaro教授和其他一些着名专业人士学习声乐。此后三十年间Torbjorn积极从事各种专业声乐表演。最近几年他的声乐表演如下:

- 2016年, 北京音乐厅, 男高音独唱, 弗朗茨·舒伯特依据威廉·米勒的诗改编的声乐套曲《冬之旅》

- 2015年, 北京和天津, 男高音独唱, 巴洛克时期著名音乐家亨德尔创作的大型神劇“弥赛亚”

- 2014年, 北京大学独家演唱, 节目包括:罗伯特·亚历山大·舒曼的“女人的爱与生命”。

- 2013年, 男高音独唱, 巴洛克时期著名音乐家亨德尔创作的大型神劇“弥赛亚”

- 2013年北京大学艺术歌曲独唱,节目包括:英国作曲家、指挥家和钢琴演奏家愛德華·本杰明·布里顿的“靈光集” 。

Torbjorn目前有四张个人唱片。他现居中国北京,在哈罗国际学校担任音乐专家和器乐研究协调员, 能说流利的瑞典语,英语,意大利语,德语和普通话。


was born on the 14th April 1983 in Tianjin (P.R. China). She had her first piano lesson by the age of seven.

In 1995, she was admitted into the “ high school of music conservatory Tianjin”.

In 2001, she moved to Germany, where she studied under the guidance of Prof. Inge Rosar at the “Hochschule für Musik ” in Würzburg. She graduated with the title “Konzertdiplom “in 2008.

She also participated in the master classes under the guidance of Prof. Walter Blankenheim J. S. Bach auf dem Klavier“, Prof. Karl-Heinz K?mmerling and Prof. Arnulf von Arnim.

In 2008, Jingjing Zhang won 1st prize for piano-duo with You-Jeong Kim at the ?European Music Competition“ in Italy / Moncalieri.

She performs concerts regularily in Germany and China.

张晶晶, 青年钢琴演奏家,毕业于德国维尔茨堡国立音乐学院(Hochschule für musik Würzburg),师从著名钢琴演奏家、教育家英格.罗萨 Inge Rosar 教授。


同年和她的韩国籍钢琴搭档You-Jeong Kim在意大利蒙卡列利举行的第20届室内乐比赛上以全部评委给出满分成绩的巨大优势,获得了双钢琴金奖。

在德学习期间曾得到国际巴赫钢琴比赛创始人Walter Blankenheim教授,德国汉诺威音乐学院Karl-Heinz Kaemmerling教授,德国埃森音乐学院Arnulf von Arnim教授,国际著名四重奏Voces-Quartett等当代著名钢琴教育家和室内乐音乐家的多次指导和肯定。


她积极热情的个性使她善于完美演绎浪漫主义乃至后浪漫主义音乐作品的风格,同时深深受到德国已故瓦尔特.布朗肯海姆Walter Blankenheim教授(德国萨尔布吕肯音乐学院著名钢琴教育家,国际巴赫钢琴比赛创始人)及英格.罗萨 Inge Rosar 教授(国际巴赫钢琴比赛主席)的影响,对巴赫、莫扎特、贝多芬等古典时期作曲家的作品有着独特的诠释视角跟个性的演奏风格。担任维尔茨堡音乐学院院长的西尔克-托拉.马蒂斯Silke-Thora.Matthies教授曾如此评价过她:张晶晶女士是一位非常超群而开放的音乐家、一位出色的钢琴家,她拥有优秀的钢琴演奏技巧,极高的灵活性和非凡的天赋。她不断地提高其舞台表现力和艺术才华,在必要的时候爆发出超乎寻常的感染力,使她的听众无一不为这种艺术激情而倾倒。

2006年起担任Inge Rosar教授的助教,教授硕士研究生与博士研究生,她的准确的示范、浅显易懂的技术传授跟活泼风趣的教学风格很受学生青睐。出于兴趣她曾在维尔兹堡音乐学院进修了钢琴教育的课程,参加过幼儿基础钢琴演奏研讨会,并学习了音乐教育、钢琴学科方法论、主要学科教学实践、钢琴演奏的教学实践、乐团指挥、朗诵训练/练声法、乐团合奏和媒体实践原理等课程,在钢琴学科方法论研讨会上,她重点关注学生基本功方面的个人和分组教学培养模式,需要学习、讨论或撰写专题报告的一般课题主要包括听力训练、节奏训练、即席演奏、图形记谱、指法培训和技术、四手联弹和视谱演奏、以及室内乐等。在德期间她积累了丰富的钢琴教学经验,学习并成功运用彼得.海尔布特、安瑟伦.恩斯特等著名钢琴教育家的优秀教育理念,指导过不同程度及不同年龄段的学生,教授范围广泛,涉及了各个时期的钢琴作品,为学生们提高了钢琴演奏技巧以及对音乐的理解力。她的学生们基本功扎实,具有突出的音乐表现力,在音乐会及比赛中屡屡获得获奖。






《张晶晶演奏舒曼、莫扎特、拉赫玛尼诺夫、肖邦、德彪西钢琴作品专辑》,由德国顾玛音乐唱片公司录制于2011年7、8月德国萨尔布吕肯 “布朗肯海姆之家”音乐厅。

《张晶晶演奏舒曼钢琴作品专辑》由德国顾玛音乐唱片公司录制于2011年7、8月德国萨尔布吕肯 “布朗肯海姆之家”音乐厅。




