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【10月21日】【信息学院学术讲座】Privacy-Preserving and Secure Cryptographic Schemes for Wireless Applications


讲座题目: Privacy-Preserving and Secure Cryptographic Schemes for Wireless Applications

主讲人:Xiuzhen Cheng




Xiuzhen Cheng received her MS and PhD degrees in computer science from the University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities, in 2000 and 2002, respectively. She is a professor at the Department of Computer Science, The George Washington University, Washington DC. Her current research interests focus on wireless and mobile security, mobile handset networking systems (mobile health and safety), cognitive radio networks, and algorithm design and analysis. She has served on the editorial boards of several technical journals (e.g. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications) and the technical program committees of various professional conferences/workshops (e.g. IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICDCS, ACM Mobihoc, IEEE/ACM IWQoS). She also has chaired several international conferences (e.g. IEEE CNS, WASA). She worked as a program director for the US National Science Foundation (NSF) from April to October in 2006 (full time), and from April 2008 to May 2010 (part time). She is a Fellow of IEEE.


Emerging wireless applications such as smart grids, body area networks, and mobile social networks motive us to investigate the following two fundamental problems: how to secure multicast communications in which the destination group can not be pre-determined and how to provide privacy-protection at the client side and support billing at the server side when a client receives services from a server. To address the first problem, we proposed a Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based SignCryption (CP_ABSC) scheme such that a data source can define an access structure that clearly designates the multicast destination group – only those who satisfy the access policy carried by the data can read the data. This design is able to counter collusion attacks, and provide message authentication, forgery prevention, and confidentiality. To address the second problem, we developed an anonymous communication mechanism based on a novel group signature scheme such that: i) the true identity of the client is never disclosed to any party, including the server; ii) the server is able to verify the legitimacy of the client but is not able to figure out who the client is whenever a message from the client is received; iii) the server is able to link the transactions made by a client only after receiving a secret token at the end of the current billing period but is not able to link the transactions made by the client in different billing periods; and iv) no other party can link the transactions made by the same client at any time. This design can provide client identity and data privacy, and achieves non-repudiation and accountability.



