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主讲人:Jean Cheney




讲座简介:Rachel Carson: The Founder of American Environmentalism

With her training in science and ecological view of nature, rather than devotion to the “wilderness cult” prevalent in the early 20th century, Rachel Carson laid the groundwork for the modern environmental movement in America. In Silent Spring, published in 1963, she not only challenged the pesticide industry and the government that supported it, but also the attitude that humans could do anything they wished to control nature, without consequences to themselves. “A few thousand words from her and the world took a new direction,” writes Carson biographer Paul Brooks. This talk will discuss what made Silent Spring ground-breaking, why and how it was attacked, and what Carson’s legacy is in America and the world. 主办单位:外国语学院

主讲人介绍:Dr. Jean Cheney has had two careers, first as a teacher of American literature and composition at colleges and universities in North Carolina, Georgia, and California, then as a creator of public humanities programs in Utah, where she serves as Associate Director of Utah Humanities, a nonprofit organization focused on promoting the humanities statewide and affiliated with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

She has degrees from Michigan State University, Duke University, and the University of California at Davis, where she completed a Ph.D. in English and wrote a dissertation about four American women nature writers in the twentieth century: Mary Austin, Sally Carrighar, Rachel Carson, and Terry Tempest Williams. She is married and has two children and three grandchildren. She enjoys hiking, gardening, photography, tennis, and traveling. She is very much enjoying her first trip to China and teaching literature and environmental writing at Southwest University in Chongqing.



