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【12月30日】【管理科学与工程学院学术论坛】Mining Social and Urban Big Data


主题:Mining Social and Urban Big Data



报告人: 袁晶 博士(Dr. Nicholas Jing Yuan),微软亚洲研究院 数据管理、分析与服务组 副研究员

Nicholas (Jing) Yuan is currently an associate researcher in Microsoft Research Asia. He got a Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the School of Computer Science and Technology in 2012, and a B.S. degree in Mathematics from the School of the Gifted Young in 2007, both in University of Science and Technology of China. Currently, his research interests include behavioral data mining, spatial-temporal data mining and computational social science. During the past few years, Nicholas has published a series of papers in top-tier conferences and journals. His work has been featured by influential media such as MIT Technology Review many times. He has been honored with Microsoft Fellowship (2011), Best Paper Award of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (2013), Best Paper Runner-up Award of ACM SIGSPATIAL (2010), and Top 100 Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2013).


In recent years, with the rapid development of positioning, online social networks, sensor and smart device technologies, large quantities of human behavioral data are now readily available. The growing availability of such behavioral data provides us an unprecedented opportunity to gain more in depth understanding of users in both the physical world and cyber world, especially in online social networks. The overwhelming behavioral data also reflects city dynamics from different angles and dimensions. This talk will introduce the recent research efforts in social and urban mining based on large-scale human behavioral datasets showcased by two projects: 1) Modeling urban lifestyle spectrums based on heterogeneous online social network data. 2) Discovering urban functional zones using human mobility data and points of interest.



