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【6月19日】【商学院学术论坛】A Research Method of Revenue Diversification in Housing Sector



Two Stage Least Squares: A Research Method of Revenue Diversification in Housing Sector


This research presents findings from a longitudinal study of revenue diversification in nonprofit housing organizations and examines the degree to which organizational mission is related to revenue structure. It sheds light on (a) whether revenue diversification is related to organizational mission and (b) the degree to which there is evidence to support the “crowd-out” or “crowd-in” varies according to organizational mission. It focuses on the affordable housing sector in an attempt to provide a more nuanced understanding of revenue diversification for organizations with various missions that work in complex and varied funding environments.

By presenting findings from a longitudinal study of revenue diversification of nonprofit housing organizations in 27 states, this research helps fill these gaps. It includes measures of state-level policy and funding environments and accounts for federal policies that spurred the creation of housing nonprofits in some states. The research analyzes the revenue data of a stratified random sample of 1,000 nonprofit housing organizations for tax years 2008, 2009 and 2010 using two-stage least squares (2SLS) method. This method improves on previous models by including control variables such as fundraising expenditure as a percentage of total expenditure and the nonprofit’s age. In addition, this research takes endogeneity into consideration. The test of endogeneity is necessary because there is a problem of loss of efficiency when using an instrumental variables method such as 2SLS.



Janey Wang is currently an Assistant Professor in the Public Administration Department at San Francisco State University. Her current teaching areas are public finance and budgeting, research methods, and public policy. Her doctoral work was in Public Affairs at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University with major fields in Public Finance and Policy Analysis. In addition to Dr. Wang’s academic background in public budgeting and finance at Indiana University working with Dr. John Mikesell, one of the nation’s foremost government finance experts (Editor-in-Chief of Public Budgeting and Finance, the leading academic journal in the US), she has also extensive international public finance research expertise. Previously, she has been a consultant on several projects for the World Bank, involving taxation and fiscal decentralization issues.

主讲时间: 2013年6月19日(周三),中午12:30

主讲地点:球探篮球比分,竞彩足球比分学院校区主教楼14层商学院 1411会议室



