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【7月3日】 【CEMA研讨会2019春季第十八讲-龙马奋进·校庆70周年学术系列讲座】 Flexible Work Arrangements for Mothers


论文题目:Flexible Work Arrangements for Mothers

报告人:Xingfei Liu (Assistant professor, Department of Economics, University of Alberta, Canada)

论文摘要:Flexible work arrangements are of increasing importance, but we still have little systematic evidence on the question whether these are primarily set by the employers or by the employees. We shed new light on this question by examining the effect of an expansionary universal childcare reform on mothers’ take up of work that includes non-ordinary work hours; that is the contract which includes regularly shift work, evening and night work, Saturday and Sunday work. We find that mothers increase the take up of non-ordinary work arrangements, and this is a short-term effect of the reform. The increase is entirely driven by mothers who work relatively long hours, more than 30 hours per week. The average response is more pronounced for women after maternity leave. We interpret these results as showing novel evidence supporting the hypothesis that the marginal take-up of non-ordinary hours is driven by labour supply factors.



报告人简介:Xingfei Liu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Prior to joining the Faculty at the University of Alberta, Xingfei held positions at Ryerson University, Toronto, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany, School of Labor and Human Resources, University of China, and Concordia University in Montreal. He received his degrees in Economics from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. His research interests are labor economics, economics of education and applied econometrics. He is interested in human capital accumulation, returns to skills, economic assimilation of immigrants, migration decisions and evaluation of labor market policy. Currently, he is working on policy evaluation methodologies and bridges between structural modeling and reduced form evaluation methods. He has also developed interests in behavioral responses to expected policy changes. His current research interests also include skill utilization and returns to education for the highly skilled in China.





