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【12月10日】 【CEMA研讨会2019秋季第十四讲】 Gender Differences in the Effects of Retirement on Healthcare Utilization in China: New Insights from Healthcare Data


论文题目:Gender Differences in the Effects of Retirement on Healthcare Utilization in China: New Insights from Healthcare Data


论文摘要:Despite continuing debate about the impact of retirement on healthcare utilization, there has been mixed evidence. Understanding this relationship is important in considering the full costs of policies to increase the age of retirement, as countries such as China are considering. This study uses data from medical records on individuals who got treatment in 1348 Chinese hospitals. We take advantage of the fact that retirement is mandatory in China and that the age of retirement is 50 for blue collar females, 55 for white collar females and 60 for all males. This allows us to estimate the causal effects of retirement on healthcare use via a Regression Discontinuity Design approach. We find an increase of 8 percent in hospital admission rate at retirement for males but none for blue-collar female, and only 2 percent increase for white-collar workers. The increase in the admission rate among males is largely due to treatment for respiratory diseases, while the increase among females is driven by treatment for external causes and mental illnesses. Moreover, we find that total medical expenses per hospital stay and expenses per patient day for males increases by 8 percent and 14 percent, respectively, but not for females. We find no effect of retirement on in-hospital mortality and proportion of Emergency Room admission. These findings are robust to several placebo tests, model specifications, and bandwidths, however, some limitations remain.



报告人简介:陈希,耶鲁大学全球健康政策与经济学助理教授,康奈尔大学应用经济博士。他同时兼任耶鲁社会政策研究所、气候变化与健康项目、麦克米兰中心、雅礼中国学会等的指导教师。他的研究聚焦在人口老龄化、全生命周期健康不平等、生命质量等领域的公共政策。他同时担任联合国顾问,德国IZA劳动经济研究院研究员、全球劳工组织GLO的环境与人力资本研究组组长,中国卫生政策与管理学会CHPAMS会长,联合国、美国国家科学基金会、美国国立健康研究院、挪威政府的外部评审人,康奈尔大学健康经济与不平等中心高级研究员。他共同领导耶鲁老龄化研究所和Claude D. Pepper老龄美国中心的日常学术活动。陈希博士的研究获得包括美国农业与应用经济学会杰出博士论文奖、美国国家卫生研究院PEPPER学者奖、国家老龄化研究院Butler-Williams学者、George Warren应用经济研究奖等在内的多个奖项。他主持的美国国立卫生研究院、美国农业部经济研究局、美国老龄化与独立中心及美国非营利机构的研究在PNAS, LANCET, PLoS Medicine, LANCET Public Health, JEEM, EHP, SSM, JoEA, AJAE等学术期刊发表论文60余篇,并得到全球400多家主要媒体的持续广泛报道。他担任中国中央电视台英文频道的医改与公共健康评论员。他作为学者代表参与了美中关系全国委员会和北京大学发起的四轮中美健康二轨对话。陈希博士已指导20多位研究生及博士后从事中国卫生健康问题研究,指导的本科生获得耶鲁大学最佳本科论文奖。



